Sport isn’t going to be something you do for the rest of your life; well, at least being a paid professional won’t be. Everyone's career must end at some point. This is something I’ve always been told, and now I begin to acknowledge these words from many of the once-were-professional athletes, and the ones that gave up all their schooling for something that never happened. The Victorian Institute of Sports motto is, “Success in sport and life,” so I feel it's necessary for me to share my ideas. Coming into the end of my time of schooling (223 days, as I write this, in fact) I've discovered many ways to juggle my schooling and keep decent grades with training, competing and travelling, so here are a couple of handy things I’ve learnt to do; just a simple change in priorities may be all that's needed.
I have gone down a different path of completing my VCE over two years, but with 2019 being via distance education. This allows me to manage and prepare for my competitions without the pressure if having to do five subjects at the same time, so that could be an option for those who have school as a massive priority but are wanting to succeed in different fields as well. So far I’ve quite enjoyed being only a part-time student, and for me, it will benefit me and my studies in the long run. Though it does mean I will still be doing my schooling next year, giving my best shot is my ultimate goal. Year 12 is stressful enough as it is without sporting commitments.
Take full advantage of resources at your school. Whether you have a free/study period, or access to teachers during their free time, use them well. They’re there for a reason and should be taken full advantage of. Working with your subject teachers is also paramount. It's important you see them as another person and not an enemy. Due to having a lot of time off school, my teachers will always know in advance when it is I will be absent, that way they can change the course structure around when I will and won’t be there.
Write down all due dates for schoolwork, assignments and exams, as well as all of the training and competition dates.
Try not to get behind in class. Even if that means studying while travelling or in-between training efforts, put in that effort, because the further you get behind, the harder it is to get back in front. Planning the week ahead may seem minor but just being able to jumble around time slots when you know there's an opportunity to get something done is quite handy, but seeing it in front of you may help in making the most of the time you have. Write down all due dates for schoolwork, assignments and exams, as well as all of the training and competition dates. And, once again, it's important you allow time for travelling. Plan how you will study and when you will study.
We’ve all been there - when you have an exam date or something due, and before you know it, the due date is tomorrow and you’re left with it barely started. It's important this stops. Hit the nail on the head, get started as soon as you get the assignment and tweak it daily.I wish you all the luck with your studies and I recommend looking more into the future rather than the present, and remember there's still life after sport.By Alice Culling - Pushys Sponsored Athlete