Packing for Enduro racing

3rd Mar 2019

Gravity Enduro is arguably one of the best forms of racing a mountain bike, and for me personally, a great ride with mates on the weekend. The format of Gravity Enduro racing is closely related to rally car racing where a competitor has a set liaison to the start of their first race stage followed by multiple race stages during the course of the day.
My first Gravity Enduro race in Cairns was at the age of 12, competing on the famous Rock Garden in Cairns, and I was hooked. The adrenaline kick during race stages and finding that balance of racing on the edge of your skills is addictive, and climbing back to the top of the next stage on the liaison is chilled out with everybody talking about how they performed on the previous race stage.
Pushys Sponsored Athlete - Toby Greenwood - June 2018-1
But what should you pack for your Enduro race and how should you carry your gear?
If your first Enduro race is going to be a local club race then most likely the racing vibes will be chilled, and competitors and supporters will be happy for you to borrow a few tools, refill your water or maybe even sneak a tube in an emergency. Nevertheless, I highly recommend that you take a few tools that will allow you to fix most mechanical failures on the bike and have the confidence of being self-sufficient. When I race, I take tools both on the bike and on my body so that I'm prepared for mechanicals on the trails while racing.
Here’s what I take (I wear bib knicks with pockets in the back):
● Spare inner tube for flat tyres
● Multi-tool with all Allen key sizes for my bike as well as a built-in chain breaker
● Spare quick link for a broken chain
● Spare derailleur hanger
● Zip ties
● 2 x 25 gram Co2 cartridges and a Co2 head for inflation of tyres
● DynaPlug for quick fix of a flat tyre to stop escaping air (as pictured)
● Tyre levers
● SIS gels and food
Pushys Sponsored Athlete - Toby Greenwood - June 2018-2
These tools I carry while riding and racing so that I can repair all minor to moderate mechanical failures, but I also keep major tools at the event site if something happens that requires more significant repairs.
These tools and spares include:
● Track pump
● Shock pump
● Spare clothes if it's a cold and wet race, including a second pair of gloves and socks
● Spare gear inner cable
● Spare chain
● Chain lube and bike wash
● A larger set of mechanic Allen keys
● Spare water - 3 litres (to wash down pedals and drivetrain)
Pushys Sponsored Athlete - Toby Greenwood - June 2018-3
If you are interested in starting to race Gravity Enduro events, these are the tools I carry and I recommend you invest in the same to have on your person and back at the trailhead. I hope this helps and gets you racing with confidence. You’ll love it!
By Toby Greenwood - Pushys Sponsored Athlete