Hey everyone we're out here today and we're going to go through a few flat corner techniques. These are a few pointers that I've focused on with my training and practice for 15+ years, so hopefully we can nut out a few things and help you get around those flat corners faster.
So the first thing we want to do is on our approach we want to spot our apex of the flat corner. Unlike a berm this might vary from person to person depending on if you want to go a little bit more inside, or a little more outside. Whatever the case may be, we want to on our approach spot our apex and begin to look at that and then look through the corner.
On our approach once we've got ourselves nice and settled and we know where the apex for the corner is, we want to try ideally and get all our braking done before we start cornering! If we're holding on to the brakes while we're going around the corner we've got a possibility of locking the back wheel up or even the front wheel, the worst case is that the back wheel is going to step out on us! If we're not doing any braking we're going to have a nice clean arc to the corner and going to have better grip throughout the whole thing.
Depending on whether we're turning left or right, we want to have our outside foot down and more weight on our inside hand than our outside hand. This is going to exaggerate the pressure point on our inside side knobs on the tyre so we're going to get them nice and weighted before we really start pushing into the corner. We don't want any really fast, erratic movements, but what we do want is a nice clean radius around the corner. Now, this may not be the case if we've got a flat corner around some little janky rocks or a little rough section, it might not be appropriate to have our outside foot down because we could be getting pretty close to some rocks. This might be a time where we need to have our feet level as if we were riding through a berm, but that's just going to depend on the track corner to corner. Once we've completed the majority of our flat corner we want to start looking up & looking ahead where we want to go next... maybe we're getting on the pedals or maybe we're doing a little bit more braking for the next corner or feature.
Regardless of your skill level or whether you're racing or just enjoying your riding with your mates, this is probably one of the most overlooked seemingly simple techniques that you can practice. I still practice it every other time I ride and if you're really focusing on these key points you're going to pick up time down the trail.
Practice can be as simple as getting out into a local grass paddock or something like that with a little bit of a hill and just practicing a little slalom line like you've seen us doing here on the fire road. Ideally if you're not super confident with it somewhere softer rather than harder to land is always good.
Corners are those hose types of things where you can just keep practicing and finding your own little setups, maybe you might learn a little bit about your suspension or your handlebar setup. So have fun keep practicing, get out there maybe team up with a few mates see who can get down the hill fastest and yeah rip in
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