Carbon Clip-on Aerobars
Clip-on aero bars can turn a normal road bike into a timetrial machine. This is a great option for those who don't have the funds to afford a second bike but want the benefit of improved aero dynamic position. The ightweight of only 276g means that these clip on bars will also weigh next to nothing. The carbon helps to reduce road vibration and ensures that you can keep tucked up for longer. Paired with an esily detachable clamp these bars can easily be removed based on the type of ride you are planning.
Clip-on aero bars can turn a normal road bike into a timetrial machine. This is a great option for those who don't have the funds to afford a second bike but want the benefit of improved aero dynamic position. The ightweight of only 276g means that these clip on bars will also weigh next to nothing. The carbon helps to reduce road vibration and ensures that you can keep tucked up for longer. Paired with an esily detachable clamp these bars can easily be removed based on the type of ride you are planning.
. Carbon fibre
. Comfortable arm pads
. 276g
. Ergonomic design
. 31.8mm clamp (Option spacer 30mm)
. 168mm length
. Comfortable arm pads
. 276g
. Ergonomic design
. 31.8mm clamp (Option spacer 30mm)
. 168mm length