The Kiddimoto Kurve balance bike promotes exercise, learning and fun while helping children to learn the balance and coordination skills that will prepare them for a lifetime of riding pedal bikes.
Children ride the pedal-free bikes by pushing the ground with their feet and because there are no stabilisers, your child naturally learns how to balance and control the bike. The Kurve gives an upright posture similar to that of a regular bike, with an adjustable seat to suit growing little ones from the age of three upwards.
- Comfortable sculpted handgrips to fit little hands
- Three-position adjustable seat height
- Upright riding position similar to regular bike
- Steering lock restricts turn to 30 degrees so bike will never jack-knife
- Slick 12-inch pneumatic tyres with inner tube
- Made from birch plywood sourced from managed forests (recyclable)
- All plastic and metal parts safety tested as non-toxic
- Meets all safety standards, Safety tested to EN 71, CE marked
- Award-winning British design
- Matching accessories
- Handlebar Height: 52.5cm
- Seat Height: 37cm adjustable to 39.5cm
- Inside Leg: 37cm to 50cm
- Wheel Base: 51cm
- Weight: 4.5kg