Our Neo+ Jr. Girl’s balance bike is the ideal starter model
Kids learn to balance and steer as intuitively as walking or running, without having to worry about pedals. With convenient foot-rests featuring non-slip patches, kids can glide in comfort while honing their balancing skills.
- New light weight alloy frame with hydroformed downtube, with foot rests for foot support while gliding.
- Light weight straight blade fork.
- Low standover frame, allowing easy operation, boosting rider confidence and safety.
- Thru seat post design for maximised adjustablity as your child grows.
- Light weight hubs, rims, handlebars and stem, which reduces the overall weight of the bicycle.
- Super comfortable child-specific saddle and grips, for ultimate riding comfort.
- Alloy quilled stem for maximum height adjustability.
- Child-specific grips to minimise hand slippage.
- Frame: Lightweight, easy to ride alloy kids frame, with low stand over height, new hydroformed tubes, thru seatpost design and footrest
- Fork: Lightweight 12" with 25.4mm straight blades
- Handlebar: Lightweight low riser 500mm
- Grip: Kraton grips
- Headstem: Alloy 2 bolt stem
- Wheels: 12" rims with 16 hole hubs
- Tyres: 12-1/2" x 2-1/4" slick
- Saddle: Neo Comfortech youth saddle
- Seatpost / Clamp: 22.2mm post
- Colours: Silver / purple, pink fade