Smartrike Xtend Blue Scooter
The only extendable scooter in the world, the Xtend scooter features three stages designed to accompany children throughout childhood. Its unique 3-stage extendable footboard makes it the perfect product for kids of any age.
. 3 Products in 1
. Ages 3 - 12 years
. The only extendable footboard in the world! Extra-large wheels for rough terrain
. Light-up LED wheels
. Quick folding
. Multi-age product
. Lasts for years
Technical Specifications
. Length: 60cm
. Height: 89cm
. Product: Xtend Scooter
. Age Range: 3 - 12 years
. Box width: 26.4cm
. Box length: 43.8cm
. Box height: 16.8cm
. Box weight: 3.5kg
. Colour: Blue