Topeak Tubi18 Multi-Tool

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Topeak's TUBI18 18 function multi-tool is a pro-quality precision mini tool with integrated tubeless tyre repair functions. Tools include Allen Keys, Torx Keys, a Philips screwdriver and a saw with a locking mechanism for safe usage.

Tubeless Repair Tools
Tubeless repair tools and tyre repair plug compartment all store inside the tool body for a streamlined profile. It's all there and is perfect for any road or trailside repair.
. 18 Functions . Compartment: for Tool Stop and 5 pieces of 3.5mm thick repair plugs . Detachable Air-Stop Tool: prevents tyre pressure loss and makes it easy to insert plugs . Tool Stop: helps keep the tyre repair plug in place and eases plug tool removal . Serrated Knife: helps trim excess tyre repair plugs . Added Safety: tool lock for knife blade and tyre reamer / plug insertion tool Tools: . Allen Wrenches: 2 / 2.5 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6mm . Torx Wrenches: T10 / T25 . Screwdriver: #2 Phillips . Stainless steel 2-in-1 tyre reamer/plug Insertion Tool . Tool Stop . Serrated Knife . Saw . Air-Stop Specifications . Size: 7.6 x 4.1 x 1.8cm . Weight: 119g . Body: forged aluminium . Tool Material: chrome vanadium steel . Colours : gold and silver