The Zefal Repair Spray repairs and instantly reinflates flat tyres without having to change the inner tube. This type of rapid and simple fix allows you to continue your ride without having to do a repair. The fix however, isn't long-lasting as the sealant that is injected dries out in a few days. After repairing it is advisable to change the inner tube or to repair it. The Repair Spray becomes less effective against punctures larger than 2mm and is the perfect repair system whilst out on the road.
. Quick And Easy: No need to change the inner tube whilst out
. Compatible With All Types Of Bikes: All types of tyres - tubeless or standard with inner tubes
. Easy To Carry: Compact, it can be attached to the bike with a mounting system
. Weight: 160g (150ml) / 110g (100ml) / 90 g (75ml)
. Capacity: 150ml