The Carve upper protective jersey is designed for havier terrain and competion.
It features a certified Xmatterprotective foam where heavy impacts must be absorbed such as back and shoulders. A NockOutabsorbent padding protects chest and rips. A tight fit, an ergonimical cut and a high level of moisture wicking and breathability provide highest comfort and safety.
X-Matter - Flexible Viscoelastic polymer absorbs forces without hindering range of motion. The open cell compound is engineered to withstand multiple impacts in the same region while retaining its shock absorbing properties.
Aero Mesh -Lightweight and anti-bacterial treated 3D performance mesh, optimized for breathability and moisture wicking.
- Xmatterprotective foam at back and shoulder (removable)
- Nock Out absorbent padding at chest and rips
- Leight weight, compact, moisture wicking and breathable
- Flex Zip, stretchable YKK zipper for increased ergonomical comfort