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Miles Wide Wet Seal 15ml Bottle


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Where it all began
Miles Wide is based around the pure ambitions of a 13-year-old Miles who in 1997 discovered the wonders of mountain biking and got HOOKED.

A Business Focused on You!
The vision of Miles Wide: A business that's built around providing a wide range of cycling products that can meet the needs and wants of any rider.

Bring Back Suspension Performance
Ever feel like your suspension is not performing the way it used to? Tired of your dropper post not rising like it's supposed to? Wet Seal helps breathe life back into your suspension and dropper posts! A couple drops around the seals of your fork, shock, or dropper is all you need to greatly reduce stiction and increase the feel and performance.

Cheap but Crucial Seal Maintenance
Just like lubing your chain Wet Seal is an important maintenance item. By using Wet Seal, you are keeping your seals lubricated and protected from dirt and debris; thus, greatly extending both the life of your seals and suspension. Formulated with the help of "The Suspension Experts" in Asheville, NC, Wet Seal is safe to use with any fork, shock, or seat post and is a must for those who want to make sure their bike is performing at the top of its ability.
. Important maintenance item . Protects stantions from dirt and debris caught in seals . Sticton killer . Volume: 15ml