The Cinqromask is the most recent addition to the Resprorange. It focuses on the 'urban trainer', the 'home runner' or the multi-sport end user, for whom breathing rates are typically higher than your average commuter.
The two new PowaElite valves on the Cinqromask allow for faster air flow when working out at elevated breathing rates, i.e. when you are giving it the beans from A to B. This equates to less back pressure, less dampness in the filter, improved filtration and lower inhalation resistance, which in turn leads to improved comfort and performance.
Inside each Cinqrobox are two filters: one already fitted in the mask; a Hepa-Typeparticle filter, the other a spare. The Hepa-Typefilter screens fine respirable, sub-micron dusts. The other filter, a combination filter (DACC+ Hepa-Type) is for primary pollutants associated with vehicle exhaust emissions. Both are interchangeable, making the Cinqromask suitable for use in a wider variety of environments, from inner cities to the countryside. Finally, a graphics rebuild places the mask squarely in the sports arena rather than the 'scare the hell out of everyone' arena.
There are two types of filter in each Cinqrobox-Filter 1. - Hepa-Typesports filter for dusty off-road conditions-Filter 2. - Dynamic Activated Charcoal Cloth filter (DACC) combined with a Hepa-Typefilter layer for urban environments
The latest PowaElite valves for better airflow
Nylon unbreakable nose clip
Three sizes M, L and XL
Easy Velcro fastening
Made from Neoprene
Multi-environment filter kit
Low breathing resistance
Improves sealing
3 sizes ensures effective seal for most adult sizes
Fits without fuss
Durable and washable