Go from car to stroller with an adapter that lets you quickly and easily attach an infant car seat to your Thule stroller.
. Easy click-in installation and removal
. Compatible with popular infant car seat models from Maxi-Cosi, BeSafe, Cybex and Nuna (see Fitting compatibility)
. Compatible with Thule Urban Glide 2, Thule Urban Glide 2 Double, and Thule Glide 2
Fitting Compatibility
. BeSafe: Izi GO Mod, Izi GO X1
. Cybex: Aton, Aton 2, Aton 4, Aton 5
. Maxi-Cosi: CabrioFix, Citi, Mico 30, Mico Max 30, Mico NXT, Pebble, Pebble Plus
. Nuna: Pipa